AI-powered applicant tracking system

Simplify talent acquisition management with Evalgator Recruit.

Benefits of Evalgator Recruit

time time

Speed up time to hire

Save up to 60% recruitment time by automating bulk actions including job postings, resume screening, candidate shortlisting, and interview scheduling.

quality quality

Improve quality of hire

Match the right candidates to the job automatically leveraging Evalgator’s screening algorithms. Filter the best talent using a robust set of screening and interview tools.

cost cost

Reduce cost to hire

Enjoy direct and indirect cost savings as Evalgator reduces labor and admin costs, minimizes resource wastage, maximizes staff productivity, and enables faster hiring.

data data

Make data-driven decisions

Enable informed actions based on data-backed insights on interviews and performance including interview completion per interviewer, rejection/selection ratio, offer approvals, and declines.

hiring hiring

Facilitate collaborative hiring

Streamline collaboration between different stakeholders through shared access to candidate data, structured workflows, well-coordinated interviews, and feedback sharing.

like like

Enhance candidate experience

Build a strong brand experience by ensuring a smooth and organized application process for candidates, which in turn can lead to positive reviews and more applicant referrals.

Platform features

Our comprehensive ATS ensures every step in hiring is fine-tuned for efficiency.

Intelligent resume

No more manual data entry or errors! Just bulk upload resumes to Evalgator. The system will automatically extract key information and seamlessly add it to your database in one go. With all the key details organized and readily available, searching and filtering candidates based on specific requirements becomes a breeze.

AI-driven candidate

Go beyond traditional keyword searches and discover best candidates for your job listings automatically. Our ATS platform automatically matches job requirements with resumes and helps identify the best fit based on specific skill sets, experience, and location criteria. This feature also helps you rediscover candidates you may have missed, thereby enriching your talent pool.

Generative AI-based
candidate screening

Screen hundreds of candidates simultaneously and without human interviewers using our automated interview feature. The video interview software generates interview questions based on the candidates' job profiles and asks follow-up questions dynamically based on the responses. It then reviews candidate responses, generates AI-assisted scores with comments, and shortlists candidates automatically.

Bulk interview scheduling

Streamline bulk interview scheduling without a hitch in high-volume hiring situations, such as campus recruitment. You can set up multiple interviews and send call letters to candidates complete with meeting links in one go. Evalgator provides a well-organized template for bulk actions for recruiters to manage the whole process efficiently.

Self-scheduling by

Let your candidates choose interview slots according to their convenience. Evalgator allows candidates to pick from time slots suggested by the system and schedule interviews accordingly. Candidates can easily choose their preferred time from an intuitive visual calendar.

Offer generation

Reduce offer generation time by up to 70% while ensuring accuracy and efficiency. As soon as you select a candidate, the system triggers the automated offer generation process, eliminating the risk of potential errors and ensuring a smooth transition from selection to offer creation.


Gain access to a wider talent pool with our referrals feature. Users can effortlessly refer candidates through the job listings page and their personal dashboard. Evalgator also allows you to effortlessly manage external recruitment agencies and tap into a vast network of talent to discover the best-fit candidates for your organization.

Platform strengths

Evalgator Recruit ensures a future-proof foundation for your hiring success.

architecture architecture

Modular architecture

The modular framework of the ATS platform allows you to choose only those applications or modules you need. You can flexibly select modules such as resume parser and video interviews or opt for the complete suite of solutions.

integration integration


Connect your everyday tools with Evalgator to maximize hiring efficiency. You can now integrate Evalgator with the industry’s best tools including Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Google Calendar, and more.

portability portability

Data portability

Evalgator offers easy data portability, enabling migration of candidate data between external systems and the platform. This allows you to remain adaptable by choosing your preferred tools for different recruitment tasks.

security security

Data security

Evalgator employs robust encryption and industry-leading security protocols to ensure the highest level of data protection. Any data shared with Evalgator is protected against unauthorized access and potential breaches.