Generative AI-based video interview tool

Automate candidate screening and shortlisting with Evalgator Screener.

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How it works

Invitation and Attend

Candidate receives an invitation via email and joins the interview session.

Questions from profile

Evalgator Screener generates questions based on the job profile.

Questions from responses

The system generates relevant follow-up questions based on the responses.


After the interview, the system generates an AI-assisted score with comments.

Review Interview

Recruiters can also review the responses and score them manually.


Once all the candidates are evaluated, the system generates a shortlist.

Benefits of generative AI-based interview tool

A robotic video interview software, Evalgator Screener helps you achieve new levels of efficiency in hiring.

Less Effort


Conduct interviews without human intervention.

Less Time


Get more interviews done in less time.



Save labor and logistical expenses.

Less Biased


Create a level playing field for all candidates.

Fast Hiring


Speed up candidate screening and hiring.

Capabilities of AI-assisted video interview tool

Evalgator Screener automates interviews leveraging generative AI and natural language processing.

Scalable video

Dealing with too many job applications?
Leave the first-level screening and shortlisting to Evalgator Screener. The generative AI-driven video interviewing software automates the initial screening and makes short work of the lengthy screening process. In the same amount of time it takes a human recruiter to conduct a single interview, Evalgator Screener can complete hundreds of automated video interviews.

Scalable Interview
Questions Generation

Dynamic question generation

The generative AI engine underlying Evalgator generates questions based on the candidates’ qualifications or the job profile. The questions are randomized and the follow-up questions are adapted to the responses, reducing their predictability. This approach challenges candidates to think on their feet, minimizes interviewer bias, and ensures a fair evaluation.


AI-assisted shortlisting

The system automatically analyzes candidate responses and generates an AI-assisted score with comments justifying the score. You can also evaluate the candidates directly by reviewing the transcripts and playing back the recordings. The playback option helps you analyze not just what was said, but how it was said, considering the tone and body language.


Configurable interviews

The interview experience can be tailored to the specific demands of different job roles. Whether you are conducting technical interviews for software developers, assessing the soft skills of customer service executives, or anything in between, the platform can adapt seamlessly to your needs. It gives you the flexibility to decide both the number and types of questions used and the duration of the interviews.

ATS Integration

Seamless ATS integration

We offer a range of pre-built and custom integrations to effortlessly integrate Evalgator Screener with your applicant tracking system (ATS) and other recruitment tools. Connecting with the ATS eliminates redundant data entry and ensures a unified hiring process from start to finish. You can effortlessly manage candidate profiles and candidate ratings in the ATS itself.